• Resumo

    Análise de Segurança dos Mecanismos de Consenso no PBFT usando Multichain e PoW usando Ethereum Aplicados em Redes Blockchain Privadas/Consórcio

    Data de publicação: 04/09/2020

    A considerable number of electronic transaction systems employ classic
    approaches based on centralized trust mechanisms, not exploiting
    the latest technological advances. Alternatively, the concept of
    blockchain stands out, elaborated without the need for this centralized
    trust, but rather dependent on securely chained technologies in which
    the elements involved can conduct secure negotiations. Blockchain is
    designed to address security and distributed system issues through the
    use of encryption, algorithms, P2P networks, and consensus mechanisms.
    This paper presents a Denial of Service (DoS) security analysis
    of the more traditional Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT)
    and Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanisms available on
    Multichain and Ethereum solutions based on a private / consortium
    blockchain scenario. We present our results of a controlled DoS
    attack, revealing the importance and need for security-related
    analysis of blockchain implementations of private / consortium

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