• Resumo

    Comparação de Metodologias de Migração de Bancos de Dados Relacionais para Bancos Orientados a Documentos

    Data de publicação: 04/09/2020

    Companies have migrated data from relational databases to NoSQL
    databases to improve their business through more active services at
    a lower operating cost, especially by the adoption of cloud services.
    This process is called Data Migration and is considered by some
    authors one of the biggest challenges in systems engineering today.
    Although it is advantageous, the process of migrating data from
    the relational model to NoSQL models is not trivial and has led to
    the development of different methodologies for this purpose. The
    objective of this work was to analyze and compare three different
    migration methodologies between Relational and NoSQL Document
    Oriented databases under the following aspects: algorithm
    input, method documentation, migration process and generated
    documents. For that, different relational models were empirically
    migrated using such methodologies, allowing the analysis of the
    evaluated aspects. The results show that there is no consolidated
    way to perform the migration and that the method to be chosen
    depends on the context of the application. So, scenarios that show
    when to use each method are presented. Although not performing
    computational tests, this work provides suggestions and insights
    through the evaluation of the migration processes under the theoretical
    models. It expected that the results presented here will help
    IT managers decide on the best data model migration methodology
    to follow in their actual projects.

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O Computer on the Beach é um evento técnico-científico que visa reunir profissionais, pesquisadores e acadêmicos da área de Computação, a fim de discutir as tendências de pesquisa e mercado da computação em suas mais diversas áreas.

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