• Resumo

    PhysioPong: Serious Game Aplicado ao Processo de Reabilitação Física de Amputados de Membro Superior

    Data de publicação: 04/09/2020

    The present study describes the proposal a solution computing
    based on the context of the Serious Game, to support in the process
    of physical rehabilitation of patients amputees of upper limbs.
    Therefore, when we developed a serious game PhysioPong, we
    expect that the proposal serves as a training tool, integrated into
    the technical monitoring of electromyography signal to assist in
    the early stages of the rehabilitation process of these patients. This
    training as physically strengthens the muscles so that they can
    later be protected, as well as provide the patient with a motivator
    environment for the treatment. Furthermore, another tool functionality
    is to create an environment for physical therapists to follow
    the progress of these individuals over the rehabilitation process.
    Nowadays, serious games have had been employed as a tool that
    can be used for several purposes, bringing a ludic experience of
    the players. The PhysioPong was developed by using the Unity
    game engine, combined with a sensor node module that aims to
    collect data from the myoelectric signals generates by a muscular
    contraction of an individual, being possible to perform actions in
    a game. To further measure the present purpose have been performing
    a usability test, furthermore scientific experiments with
    amputees patients. These experiments were carried together by
    physiotherapists of the physic rehabilitation service. The evaluation
    performed about the tool indicated promising results with a
    usability and mechanic appropriated, basing the use of PhysioPong.

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