• Resumo

    Desenvolvimento de um Protótipo Automatizado de Detecção e Focalização de Raios Solares com Hardware Livre

    Data de publicação: 04/09/2020

    Solar energy is a renewable and inexhaustible source, besides
    causing damage to nature, being clean and sustainable.
    Transform the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the Sun
    electrical energy are used solar panels. In order to improve
    efficiency and performance of this capture, a low-cost was
    built, a single-axis solar tracking system for photovoltaic
    panels. The solution uses the automation Arduino UNO R3,
    open hardware, two photosensitive sensors LDR GL-5528, in
    addition to a servo motor capable of moving the surface of a
    photovoltaic plate according to the detection of the highest
    incidence of light. The circuit and its components were
    programmed using the Arduino IDE software, version 1.8.11.
    As a result, it was possible to follow the movement of the
    sun, differing from a static panel, thus ensuring greater sunshine
    on the solar plate, as a result of this traceable
    control prototype.

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