• Resumo

    Desafios de Pessoas Idosas na utilização de Smart TVs: avaliando a comunicabilidade do NET Now

    Data de publicação: 29/04/2021

    The increase in the number of users of the Smart TVs has been very
    fast: just between 2016 and 2017, there has been an expansion of
    more than 7 million users. At the same time, considering the global
    estimates referring to the increase of longevity, it can be predicted
    a gradual increment of elderly people utilizing these devices in the
    coming years, which highlights the importance of perfecting their
    quality of use. In this context, the objective of the present study is
    to evaluate what are the main challenges elderly people face while
    using Smart TVs, focusing on a specific application, known as NET
    Now. To conduct this study, the focus was on the quality of use
    of communicability, analysed through the application of two evaluation
    methods: the Semiotic Inspection Method, applied by one
    evaluator, and the Communicability Evaluation Method, applied to
    six participants aged between 60 and 80 years. It has been observed
    that both methods indicated problems related to different communicability
    breakdowns, emphasizing the importance of this kind
    of evaluation in order to improve the quality of use of interactive

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