• Resumo

    Quantificação De Perigos Costeiros E Projeção De Linhas De Costa Futuras Para A Enseada Do Itapocorói – SC

    Data de publicação: 07/06/2010
    This work has applied an integrated method for defining set-back lines associated with coastal hazards on sandy shores for a 50-year period of interest. This method is based on the shoreline evolutionary trend being the basis for the first set-back line determination. Afterwards the set-back line were adjusted by incorporating changes associated with the acceleration of sea-level rise and the evaluation of the consequences (instantaneous shoreline retreat and potential flood zone) of an extreme storm. The study area was Itapocorói Bay, in northern coast of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. The determined set-back lines were plotted over rectified aerial photographs, allowing for a straight-forward interpretation of results. The segments northward of Piçarras river mouth and right before the Itajuba headland were the most susceptible zones due coastal hazard mentioned. The integrated method showed to be an important tool for coastal management since it adopts a worst-case scenario approach.

Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology

Ciências Ambientais, Ambientes Aquáticos e Costeiros. 

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