• Resumo


    Data de publicação: 30/08/2021

    This article aims to present, from a historical perspective, the main legal instruments on access to land, based on authors who have studied the agrarian issue in Brazil, namely: João Pedro Stédile (2011), José de Souza Martins (1980), Marcia Maria Mendes Motta (1998), Maria Ligia Osório Silva (1996, 1997), Ruy Cirne Lima (1954), among others. It also aims to demonstrate how legislation has advanced in the process of recognizing the socio-environmental function of property while it brought ambiguities that have led to regression in terms of a fairer and more equitable distribution of land, essential to human needs, such as housing and food. The materials used to prepare the article came from primary and secondary sources collected through bibliographic and documentary research.

    KEYWORDS: property of land, socio-environmental function of property, Brazilian legislation.

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